Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceedings have been published with ISBN 978-88-89252-22-2, both in hardcopy (available only upon request at registration) and in PDF version on a USB flash drive (included with
registration material) as well as posted on this website
hardcopy is in A4 size, overall about 600 pages, 1.2 kg
The complete Book of Conference Proceedings (37 MB,
PDF) can be
downloaded by clicking on the picture of the frontpage below
The single papers can be obtained at either the invited
speakers page or the accepted
contributions page

Cartolibreria SNOOPY s.n.c. - via Bligny n.27
25133 Brescia - Tel. e Fax 0302006331
Mariagrazia Pilotelli and Gian Paolo Beretta
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy
Proceedings of the 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, JETC 2013
Printed in Brescia, Italy, June 2013
ISBN: 978-88-89252-22-2
Permission is granted to quote from this book with the customary acknowledgement of the source:
A. Author(s), Title of Article, in Proceedings of the 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, JETC 2013, Eds. M. Pilotelli and G.P. Beretta (ISBN 978-88-89252-22-2, Snoopy, Brescia, Italy, 2013), pp. xxx-xxx.
On the cover page: Faustino Joli (1818-1876)
“Il Popolo Radunato in Piazza Vecchia (Piazza della Loggia) il 23 marzo 1849”
Brescia, Museo del Risorgimento
Upon permission by Servizio Collezioni d’Arte e Storia del Comune di Brescia