

JETC 2013

12th Joint European 



Brescia, Italy, July 1-5, 2013

JETC Series History
Conference Topics
Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Special Dedication
Conference Program
Prigogine Prize
Invited Speakers
Accepted Contributions
Doctoral Students Contest
Photo gallery
Submission Guidelines
How to Get Here
Hotels and Turism


Online registration is now open!




Papers will not be included in the Proceedings CD and Volume unless at least one author has completed full payment of the registration fee by May 21, 2013


Only if VAT-Exempt* or


If subject to the 21% italian VAT*(IVA**)

Participant / Author / Panelist - Regular

(includes participation to all events)

(includes 5 lunches, 9 coffee breaks, 1 gala dinner (Wed), 2 social dinners (Mon+Thu), and USB drive with PDF of Proceedings)

500.00 Euro  

605.00 Euro

Participant / Author / Panelist - ShortStayOption1*** 

(participation restricted to Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday events)

(includes 3 lunches, 6 coffee breaks, 1 gala dinner (Wed), 1 social dinner (Mon), and and USB drive with PDF of Proceedings)


400.00 Euro  

484.00 Euro

Participant / Author / Panelist - ShortStayOption2***

(participation restricted to Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday events)

(includes 3 lunches, 6 coffee breaks, 1 gala dinner (Wed), 1 social dinner (Thu), and and USB drive with PDF of Proceedings)


400.00 Euro  

484.00 Euro

Participant / Author / Panelist - ShortStayOption3*** 

(participation restricted to Wednesday-Thursday-Friday events)

(includes 3 lunches, 5 coffee breaks, 1 gala dinner (Wed), 1 social dinner (Thu), and and USB drive with PDF of Proceedings)


400.00 Euro  

484.00 Euro

M.S./Ph.D. Student / FirstYearPostDoc Participant / Author

(proof of status required****) 

(includes participation to all events) 

(includes 5 lunches, 9 coffee breaks, 1 gala dinner (Wed), 2 social dinners (Mon+Thu), and and USB drive with PDF of Proceedings

No short stay options offered

300.00 Euro  

363.00 Euro

Accompanying person  

(includes 1 gala dinner (Wed) and 2 social dinners (Mon+Thu), but not lunches and coffee breaks)

160.00 Euro

193.60 Euro

Include Printed Volume of Proceedings  

(handed to you on site at registration - no shipping available)

(Attention: for your baggage planning, please be advised that the hardcopy will be in two volumes, A4 size, overall about 1000 pages, 3 kg weight)

50.00 Euro

60.50 Euro

Payment completed after May 21, 2013 excludes from publication of articles in the Proceedings (CD&Volume) and implies a late registration fee

Late Registration fee

80.00 Euro

96.80 Euro


Extra EU citizens with VAT number are exempt from 21% Italian VAT on conference fees. The exemption applies also to the EU Citizen who registered their VAT number on the internationally recognized Electronic System of VAT data exchange. Please note that this website is linked to the Taxation and Customs Union online system to verify your VAT registration to VIES. If you have any problem with it, please check here the availability of the verifying system for each European Country In case of no evidence of the registration on VIES system the VAT amount will be added to the above fees as requested by the Italian law. MV Congressi will not process any request of VAT reimbursement after the online registration.

L'esenzione IVA, ai sensi art.10 del DPR 633/72 - come modifi­cato dall'art.14, comma 10 della legge 24 dicembre 1993, n.537, può essere richiesta solo dagli Enti Pubblici Italiani che considerino la partecipazione dei loro dipendenti al complesso delle attività previste nel programma del Congresso come equiparabile alla partecipazione a prestazioni didattiche quali corsi di formazione, aggiornamento, riqualificazione e riconversione del personale. Per richiedere l'emissione della fattura in esenzione IVA sarà necessario inserire il flag nel campo apposito nella pagina online relativa alla fatturazione e compilare la parte anagrafica corrispondente con i dati completi dell'ente. L'Ente Pubblico dovrà poi inviare dichiarazione (secondo questo fac-simile)  alla Segreteria Organizzativa (via fax o e-mail ) in cui si specifichi che il partecipante per cui viene pagata la quota d'iscrizione è un loro dipendente autorizzato a frequentare l'evento per aggiornamento professionale. La fattura verrà così intestata all'Ente di appartenenza.


***For practical reasons, NO OTHER SHORT STAY OPTIONS can be offered. Sorry!


****To prove M.S. or Ph.D. Student status:  send an email to your Thesis Advisor with in CC in which you attach your Curriculum Vitae (must include date of birth) and you ask your Thesis Advisor to write an email to in which he certifies that you are her/his student. 


****To prove First-Year Post-Doc status:  send an email to your Supervisor with in CC in which you attach your Curriculum Vitae (must include date of birth and date of your PhD thesis defense) and you ask your Supervisor to write an email to in which he confirms that you are her/his PostDoc and on June 30, 2013 you will still be within one year from your thesis defense.


Registration Instructions 

Registration must be done online at the following link:



Publication of the Papers in the Proceedings of the Conference

For technical, logistic, and economic reasons, the Proceedings of the Conference (USB flash drive and Book with ISBN) will include only the papers for which, on May 21, at least one author has completed the full payment of the registration fees according to the instructions.

Authors are urged to initiate their Registration procedure well in advance!

Our publisher allows us no flexibility whatsoever about the May 21 deadline!


Organizing Committee JETC2013



Tel.: +39 0303715566

Fax: +39 0303715942